Health & Well-being | Education | Sustainable Solutions

What is Omphalos Life?

Omphalos Life aims to connect users (patients and caregivers) to healthcare products and services. We do this by being a one-stop hub from which users can easily access products and services, both locally and in the region, through the use of technology.

We would like to provide a hassle-free experience for users by simplifying the need to source for multiple products and services. As more and more information is processed everyday, a single hub for healthcare and wellness would have its benefits in this modern day and age.

A hub of products and services that have been curated for consumers and businesses.

Using technology as an enabler, we aim to add value to various industries by defining a new value proposition.

Omphalos Life looks to curate and provide solutions in 3 main areas:


Sustainable Solutions

We aim to engage with public, private and government organizations to collaborate on projects for the individual, family and community.